British Columbia | Alberta | Saskatchewan | Manitoba | Ontario
Alberta Security Licensing
Upon successful completion of's ONLINE Basic Security Training (ABST) course, you must meet all licensing requirements outlined by the Alberta Solicitor General and Ministry of Public Security. The following are the Steps needed to acquire your Alberta Security License:
- Register now in Alberta's Online Basic Security Training (ABST) program. Once you complete the seven (7) modules, you will complete the online practice exam when you achieve 80% or above you will be able to book an exam at any of our testing locations across Canada.
- Print and complete the Application Form for Individual License *This version will only be accepted by AB Security Programs - print in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY
- Sign both part 5 and 6 of the form
- Provide one photograph - signed by local police service
- Provide Police Information and Criminal Record Check (valid for 90 days) - Bring a copy of the Application Form for Individual License, Photo and Identification. Police must sign the back of the photo and conduct the following searches:
- Vulnerable Sector
- Local Database
- Provide copies of front and back of approved ID with application form
- Provide proof of approved training (ABST Certificate) with application form
- See Checklist for New Applications - click here
- Mail the application package and appropriate fee to the Security Programs office:
Security Programs
P.O. Box 1023, Station MAIN
Edmonton, AB. T5J 2M1
Or by courier
Security Programs
Alberta Solicitor General and Public Safety
9th Floor, 10365, 97th Street
Edmonton, AB. T5J 3W7
Or in person
To apply in person, individuals must have a clear criminal record. Applicants cannot be in Canada on a Study or Work Permit. Only applications that have met all of the mandatory requirements will be accepted - click here. You can check in-person REGISTRY AGENT locations on AB Security Programs - website. There will also be a small service charge in addition to the licence application fee.
What if you have been charged or convicted of a crime?
You may NOT be granted a security guard license in Alberta. You can try but there are no guarantees your application will be approved (need a pardon? Apply now) If you have completed your criminal record check, and if one of the four boxes (possible match or adverse information) is ticked “may or may not” then you MUST submit the following:
1. Return to your local police detachment (close to where you reside) and request written explanation if any of the 4 boxes are ticked “may or may not” (complete self declaration of charges stamped and signed by police agency OR get fingerprinted and obtain a certified criminal record check with electronic fingerprinting would be sufficient)
2. Brief Statement of Charges from applicant (e.g. I, ___________, was charged with this ________ on this date _________. Explain what happened and the outcome. Sign and date it)
3. Consent Form (fill out, include signature and date in all three sections):
Submit ALL required original documentation with your individual license application form (double check everything! Click here for New Online Payment System For Individual Applicants to:
Security Programs
PO Box 1023 Station Main
Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5J 2M1

You are NOT permitted to work as a Security Professional
without a valid Security License.
Security Workers from Ontario
The current ON mandatory training program and provincial exam are accepted as an equivalency in AB. Applicants must attach the following to the application package:
For additional information on training equivalencies please see section 9.0 SSIA Policy Manual
Security Workers from BC
On April 1, 2009 the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) came into effect. TILMA provides for labour mobility for workers in certified occupations that are regulated in both provinces.
Under TILMA, any individual who has a Security Guard, Private Investigator or Locksmith licence from the Public Security Division in Alberta, will be required to submit an application form for a B.C. Security Worker licence.
Use the application form, Apply for a New Security Worker Licence (SPD0503) - download from
Security Worker - Forms and Guide, following the process and requirements for a new licence outlined in the guide to Getting and Keeping Your Security Worker Licence.
In summary, application requirements in BC are:
- Application Form
- Proof of certification
- Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant or work/study permit
- Payment of application fees
- Photograph
- Fingerprints
If you are unsure whether your Albertan occupation meets the criteria for labour mobility under TILMA, contact
Security Programs.
Security Training and Testing for Private Security Companies and In-house Operations
click here
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