Saskatchewan Basic Security Training - Online (SBST)


saskatchewan security guard license


Accredited Completion (Certification) in Saskatchewan Basic Security Training (includes Government exam fee)

(Accredited by PISG) CP #147

Price $149 + GST



Length: 40 Hour Program (online or classroom)

Target Audience: This course is designed for individuals who are pursuing a career in Saskatchewan's private security industry. It may also serve as a useful refresher for experienced security professionals.

Completion: 100% attendance, 75% min. passing grade on provincial written exam

Accreditation: Private Investigators and Security Guards Program 

Prerequisites: 18yrs +, English Fluency

Instructor: Certified Instructor (Accredited by PISG) CP #147

Certification: Accredited Completion (Certification) in Saskatchewan Basic Security Training 

Re-Certification: Not required at this time, individuals must apply and hold a valid security license

Course content:

The Saskatchewan Basic Security Training (SBST) consists of twelve (12) specific modules instructed in a classroom or online environment over a period of forty (40) hours. At the completion of the SBST Course, participants must write the provincial exam, must achieve 75% or above then will be ready to apply for a security guard licence.  The 12 units are noted below: 

  1. Introduction
  2. The Duties and Responsibilities of a Security Guard
  3. Conduct of Security Guards
  4. The Security Guard and the Legal System
  5. Access Control and Alarm Systems
  6. Traffic Control
  7. Note Taking and Report Writing
  8. Fire!
  9. Bomb Threats
  10. General Patrol Tactics and Techniques
  11. Labour Disputes
  12. Safety Issues for Security Guards


Course Overview

saskatchewan security course overview


Participants will have a working knowledge of the Security Industry and will be able to do the following:

  • Describe the specific roles and responsibilities of a Security Professional.
  • Explain Federal and Provincial Legislation and Regulations in relation to the work of a Security Professional
  • List and describe the knowledge and skill sets required to perform Basic Security Patrol duties.
  • Understand and apply a professional and effective style of communication in order to manage and control incidents.
  • Demonstrate exceptional proficiencies and accuracy in note-taking and Security Report Writing.
  • Understand and articulate the process of managing an Emergency Incident / Emergency Response
  • Maintain personal and professional safety and well being while working as a Security Professional.


Take-Home Materials:
Saskatchewan Basic Security Training Manual


Saskatchewan Security Training Manual



Saskatchewan Basic Security Training - Online (SBST)

Price $149 (includes Government exam fee)

Saskatchewan Security Training


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