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BC Security Training
It is imperative that Individuals and Private Security Corporations entering or returning to the Security Industry be provided the best opportunity to meet compliance and be afforded the ability to undertake professional, recognized and accredited, governmentally approved training to ensure the very best quality of service to their clients, employers and general public. This legislation has created a Provincial standard, improving accountability, enhancing professionalism and ensuring legislated professional standards for security training.
Individuals must complete Basic Security Training (BST) mandatory certication in order to apply for a security license in British Columbia. In addition, in order to be legally authorized to handcuffs, individuals must take a mandatory Advanced Security Training (AST)- Use of Force/Restraints program. The individual MUST be licensed to carry handcuffs and be authorized by their employer to carry and use restraints. Failure to adhere to this can result in criminal charges.
Basic Security Training
The Basic Security Training (BST) course is broken down into five (5) modules and is intended to instill course participants with knowledge and skill sets in the following areas:
- Professionalism & Ethics
- Legal Studies
- Report Writing
- Tactical Communication
- Personal Safety and Use of Force Theory
SEGI provides regular Basic Security Training (BST) and Advanced Security Training (AST) classes at our training academy located at:
Sting Executive Group International (SEGI) Headquarters
472 - 604 Columbia Street
New Westminster, BC V3M 1A5
Our government approved instructors also travel across Canada to facilitate offsite training, testing, and tutoring of your members.
Advanced Security Training
The Advanced Security Training (AST) Course consists of seven (7) specific modules instructed in a Classroom environment over a period of twenty four (24) hours. At the completion of the AST Course, participants will be able to do the following:
Introduction to the course
Security Services Act and Regulation
Advanced Force Options Theory
Introduction to Control Tactics
Application of Restraints
Excited Delirium Syndrome & Positional Asphyxia
Reporting & Documentation
* Segments 4 and 5 are hands-on lessons for which the students will have to be able to safely and effectively demonstrate the use of the techniques involved in the program to a level of competency assessed by the Instructor. Final written exams are administered by the Justice Institute of British Columbia.
Visit our
Classroom Schedule page to see course calendar for Basic Security Training (BST) and Advanced Security Training (AST) classes.
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